Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Only Good Thing When It's Cold in Florida

I found the one good thing about cold temperatures in Florida today. 

 I walked out front to pick oranges from my Mother's tree and it was a little nippy, not for Iowa, but for Florida.

The oranges look good don't they so I picked about nine of them.

Brought them in and promptly cut them in half.

Then I brought out the juicer because I had to it was the appropriate thing to do.

It's fun to use and takes just a few minutes and reminds me of my Dad, it was his favorite.

 Nine oranges filled up the pitcher.

Doesn't it look yummy?

But the very best part was that because it was so cold in Florida last night the orange juice was fresh squeezed and perfectly chilled!  Daddy would have been so happy not about the cold, about the OJ.

Bottoms up everyone!

The end!

Monday, December 6, 2010

I Tried, but Had No Self Control

Yesterday I attended a function, a ballet of sorts.  When I arrived camera in hand expecting to experiment with movement and low light I was disappointed to find out no photos were allowed.

Now, I have been in this situation before and talked my way into taking photos without flash so it would not distract the performers.  This time, not so much.

I went to my seat high in the balcony ready to watch the beautiful display of physical feat and eye popping colorful costumes, keeping my camera to myself.

Sitting high above everything I had a difficult time seeing the pageantry on display.  Oh, I thought, I can use my camera as binoculars.  Great idea I thought to myself, so I did.

But then, then, well as hard as I tried, I just could not control myself.

Not when I saw this

or this

Oh my, how do they do this?

or this one

I've started I might as well continue...

or how about this one?  Poetry in motion...look at that movement how could I not?

Yes, I broke the rules.  Yes, I felt badly about it.  Yes, I love the photos.  Yes, I would tell kids not to follow my lead, to have more self control then I did...Yes to it all...So learn from my indiscretion, and enjoy the photos in the meantime.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


This morning as I drove to church with the sun brightly shining and a dusting of snow on the ground, my thoughts turned to a longing I have....

A longing to be near the water, the beach, the warmth the beauty.

 A longing to see God's majesty in nature, warm nature.  God's beauty is everywhere, even in the days in Iowa when the high is going to be seventeen degrees.  THE HIGH!
But for me, I long for this...how could I not?