Monday, June 14, 2010

Fifty Eight Years of Love

My parents were married for 58 years when my Father passed away.  As any marriage there were many ups and downs.  I often times wondered how they lasted?  Why they lasted?  How do you go through what they went through and stay together?  I also thought about the good times, the times they sat at the piano, my Dad slapping the keys and my Mom singing off key reminding me of the scene from "All In the Family" my Mom being Edith Bunker.  All the great trips we had.  The Holidays, the four wheelers, the boat trips, or even Dad just telling Mom almost every meal she cooked, "this is the best dinner you've ever made, Wanda."  And he really did mean it.
What I witnessed between my Mom and Dad when he was in Hospice, rocked my world, and changed my view on love, what it means, what it is, and what makes it last.  It was so amazing I sat down and wrote my thoughts in a poem like writting.

 April 22, 2005

Fifty Eight Years of Love 

Hands cradled his face
warm tender kisses
eyes forced open 
the sound of her voice
 her touch
her kiss 
I love you's exchanged until the last hour 
when the Lord came
call him home ... 
waiting until she 
left the room because he 
could not bare 
to leave 
her voice, her touch, her kiss 

My Thoughts after my Daddy Passed written April 22, 2005

As the family sat around talking small talk, I could not focus on anything, except that My Dad was lying somewhere in a place between life and death, in the same room in which we sat. 

If the chair next to his bed was not taken I took it, at times being asked to give it to someone else, at times asking if someone else wanted to take my place. 

I sang to him the songs I only sing, in the car, alone ... knowing in my heart that one day these songs of old ... songs of a previous generation ... would be sung for my Father ... never thinking or dreaming it would be as he lay waiting for the Lord to come and take him home. 

I sang quietly to him, as if we were the only two in the room, trying to keep my voice steady, not crying. He didn't like it when I cried. He wanted me to be strong. 

At times, I knew someone was singing with me,  "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, there's just something about that name" ... never knowing who, never looking anywhere but at my Daddy. Holding gently his hand, as occasionally he would mouth the words with me, never opening his eyes ... 

Feeling with such great love and emotion that my Dad was going to a better place, but the place he was leaving from, would be worse for me without him. 

Thinking a great void would open up in my heart and swallow me whole. 

His words echoed in my mind, that he was ready to go, he had lived his life, he had finished the race and he was ready for his crown of righteousness. He explained to me long ago, that I was being selfish because I did not want him ever to die. He, as always, was right. I do not regret my selfishness in this area. But I did have to tell him, and this time I could not help myself from crying, that he was right, I am selfish, but that I would let him go, whenever he was ready. 

More singing, "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound" everyone singing now. Gathered around him, singing old hymns ... His mouth was moving, as if he were singing with us, rejoicing in the Lord, occasionally a sound, right on queue would be uttered from his mouth ... a deep throaty sound ... but purposeful and not an involuntary response. A real response from the one who was loved most by all the people in the room, to the one he loved most, the Lord. 

Singing, singing, singing, "When we all get to heaven ... ", "The King is Coming", "Beulah Land", "This is the Day the Lord hath Made" ... praying, reading the Word of God to him. 

Leaving the room to let him rest quietly for a few minutes. 

Only to return, finding that he had left the room quietly himself ... 

Dad and His Boys

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Woman's Best Friend

As I lay in bed last night my thoughts turned to those whom I have loved much and who have gone before me.

When this happens I get this ache deep inside me that cannot be expressed in words. It just aches.

I hid my face in the book I was attempting to read and started weeping softly.

As I was weeping my boxer, Sugar Baby, crept closer to me.  And snout to face, she reached over and gently licked the tears streaming from my cheek. Looking at me with those big soulful eyes she has full of concern for her person.

When I put down the book and turned off the light she snuggled in close  and stayed there for most of the night.  Returning to her usual place at the foot of the bed, when she knew I was going to be okay.

Even writting this now I am tearing up at the tenderness and the intuititiveness of my pup and how thankful I am to have her.

This is why she is called Woman's best friend.